Palcam, founded during the decade defined by extreme offshoring - had a very clear goal, in fact a BHAG (“Big Hairy Audacious Goal”) defined as taking an undisputed leadership position in transitioning North American back to a position of manufacturing excellence and global leadership. It is with this BHAG in mind that we can clearly articulate our 4 core objectives.
- Community - building on the idea of local sourcing. Over the past 2 decades our world has become enamoured with the idea that offshoring delivers value, adds value to our life, and our belief was that we would maintain affluence in spite of our diminishing physical contributions. At Palcam we believe in North American manufacturing viability, in spite of perceived disadvantages against offshore competitors. Our mission is to develop and educate members of our community towards manufacturing global competitiveness and excellence.
- Palcam is obsessed with being the BeST. We are driven to maintain technological leadership in manufacturing precision machined components. Incorporating our BeST process, Palcam optimizes research and development efforts, yielding cutting-edge technologies and processes - consistently leading the way. There are 2 primary behaviors which are found in the spirit of BeST:
- Creativity, a mindset which encourages change. Einstein once quoted - “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
- Possibility Thinking, having a true belief in a future state, and viewing obstacles as manageable sequences of events, is the framework of how we work.
- Palcam is fanatical about its team, seeking out, and integrating individuals who get it! People who want to make a difference, have a CAN DO mentality, and are passionate about integrating new ideas, and moreover want to have fun. In our mission to be world-class, every employee is perpetually challenged to raise the bar and is regularly held accountable to aim higher in attaining individual growth goals.
- Customer Satisfaction, yes it seems a cliché, but... A happy customer is great, but it's even better if our customers are happy because we deliver timely commercially superior products.
Listening! Continual effective communications with our stakeholder relationships (Customers, Employees, Suppliers, etc.) simply put increases the possibility that all stakeholders will have their needs understood and ultimately delivered.